
About Us

Wananchi DT Sacco LTD is a Savings and Credit Cooperative Society that was started in the Year 1992 by Tea farmers from Othaya, Tetu and Mathira.It was originally known as Nyeri District Tea Growers Sacco.In 2007,the Sacco rebranded to Wananchi Sacco adopting a strong and inclusive brand to accommodate members from different sectors. We are Licensed by SASRA as a Deposit Taking (DT) Sacco.

Our Vision

Access to financial services for all

Our Mission

To provide competitive financial services to members through sound management of resources that enables them uplift living standards in Kenya and beyond.

Our Motto

Growing Together.

Wananchi DT Sacco Society LTD

We Solve Your Financial Problem

Far far away, behind the word monetary transactions, there stands Wananchi Sacco DT a leading financial services provider organization. We nurture financial literacy levels to our members to lessen financial risks.

Growing Together is our primary objective.

Money Savings

We help our members in saving their money either through taking their cash to the bank, Use of the Mobile Banking Application, Use of the USSD as well as our agency banking services which are well distributed.

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